Welcome Back…
Hello everyone, as the year has come to an end and the world is getting a little less certain again, we thought we’d give you a rundown of our last few months and restart our working year with a look at all the great projects we’ve created.
These last few weeks have been the final push to get all our projects out in time for the holidays, and this year we just happened to have had lots of really interesting commissions completed right at the end of the year! Firstly, we’ve had lots of changes this year what with the coronavirus situation, plans about moving to our new workshop, and a change of team! As you may already know, in September of this year we took on a new member of our crafts team, Jeremy. We are pleased to say Jeremy has been absolutely vital in getting us through our projects on time whilst making them look fantastic, and a delight to work with!
It is only because of Jeremy’s skill and application that we’ve managed to get through to the end of this year that included some particularly tricky challenges, with admittedly wonderful outcomes. We have been pushing our design and metalwork skills to their limits with some very special bespoke pieces, and thought we’d talk you through some of them before the year by giving each special project a blog!
Here are the projects in question:
Dunthrop House – 2 fireplaces

Knights Helmet Canopy

Modern Cotswolds Home and Fire

Regency Canopy for London Entertainment Venue

That was just some of the last few months of 2021, so keep an eye out for these special feature blogs! Hope you love these designs, and they can inspire you when it comes to your own fireplace, we have really enjoyed the challenge these last few months and can’t wait to get started again in the new year. For now, Happy New Year from all of us at Camelot!